Something I found along the way...
A Message to My Christian Brothers & Sisters
I am not anti-Christian I just feel sorry for the 85% of Christians who are too deaf, dumb & blind to do anything but to just sit, listen and believe what the other 10% of Christians tell them...wait, there's still 5% left you say? Well those are the one's who know and accept the truth of so-called "Christianity" and do not lie to the people yet they go unheard...your so-called "Jesus" is coming back to bring His people to the kingdom of Heaven but more than likely you're not going with Him...
The answers are right in front of you, they are not hidden, they are in plain sight within the Holy Scriptures yet you refuse to look...sure, you read the Bible every Sunday but you fail to let your pastor, deacon, preacher, priest or pope interpret the meaning for you. God's word is simple, you do NOT need an intermediary, if you are of average intelligence and read with an open mind the meaning will become crystal clear! The Bible is not a book - it is a collection of books. The Bible you hold in your hand today is incomplete. Certain truths and historical facts have been purposefully left out so that certain concepts will remain unclear or even unknown except by the few...the 10% and the 5% of which I spoke of earlier.
You can become of the 5% and hopefully someday the 5% will grow into the 100%. There will no longer be a separation of Christians, Muslims and Jews. Each of these faiths are the same...they all believe in the Messiah. I offer you no proof here for it is time for you to stand up and shake the shackles of your church leaders from your person. For you to grow in Spirit you must first know the Spirit on your own terms and not on the terms of those who wish to keep the Spirit within you subdued. The funny thing is that Truth is universal...sure we all have our own opinions and often times even the "facts" do not agree but as we seek and dig deeper we find that we all come closer to the same Truth...even those of us who begin on opposite sides of the spectrum. It's as if a person on one side of the World begins to dig into the Earth as another begins to dig on the opposite side...they will both eventually make it to the center or the "Truth". Now I know many of you reading this might be saying to yourselves that it is impossible to dig to the center of the Earth, well in essence, that's the point! At our current level of technology it is impossible as it is impossible for the majority of the population to reach the absolute Truth until they can remove these obstacles and defilements that clutter the mind which does not allow them to be truly "thinking" and fully sentient beings rather than robots who are programmed with only the information their masters wish them to have. You say you are no robot and you are fully capable to make up your own mind and form your own opinions??? This may be true, however, more than likely you are making up your own mind and forming your own opinions off of incomplete or altogether false information. It's not that the information is hidden or under lock and key it is for the most part easily accessible but like with most things in life you have to put forth at least a minimal amount of effort to retrieve it! Do you hear something or read something and automatically believe it or disbelieve it based on the author or the subject matter without first trying to gather more information from alternate sources or even sitting back and opening your mind and meditate on the answer before coming to your conclusions? Be honest with yourself now. This is what I mean by digging deeper.
Your religion is not wrong. Your so-called "Christ" is real. God is real. Salvation is is all real. It's just that the meanings of these things have been blurred by the need for money, power, lust and fame. Do not rely on your religious leaders to show you the Truth it is up to you to find the Truth for yourself. We were made in 'His' image so 'He' is within Us...the knowledge is already just need to dig deeper to find it.
In conclusion it is not my intent to sway you from your religious leaders as many of them are just like you...they have been misguided as well, and even though many of them are very knowledgeable on these matters, what they say must be taken with a grain of salt...these people are meant to be guides not authorities...only you are the authority of your own knowledge and understanding. At the end of the day it is what you believe that counts and not those of others no matter what kind of accreditation they may have.
May peace be with you all...
- signed, "A Son of Abraham".
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Message to My Christian Brothers & Sisters
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rakim, Ghostface Killah & Brother Ali
"It ain't where you're from it's where you're at."
...and I'ma be at the Roseland on the 3rd. What about you?
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:57 AM
Labels: concerts, eric b and rakim, HipHop, oregon, portland, rhymesayers entertainment, wu-tang clan
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Blog of the Moment
"From zillions of websites available on the net, this blog lists some of the interesting websites for you."
Interesting Website Collection (
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:42 AM
Labels: blogs, cool websites, design, tech, web development
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Racist Explains Hip Hop Culture
Funniest thing I've seen in a long time...other than that, I have no comment. Just watch the video.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:36 AM
Labels: fox news, goth, HipHop, john gibson, marilyn manson, racism, young turks
Friday, October 19, 2007
First of all I could care less about another corny "battle" between two corny rappers. But what the hell is wrong with KRS???? Jay-Z the greatest lyricist of all time? Better than Rakim? Better than Big Daddy Kane? Shit, better than himself??? And what is he saying about LL not being a battle rapper? Well if we're talking about freestyle battling then yeah but neither is Jay. What about his "battle" with Canibus? I don't know man, KRS is still my man but sometimes I wonder about him...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Show me your pom-poms!
NOTE: I originally posted this blog with a different video that has since been removed from Youtube. The original video was the complete unedited raw footage of the video in question. Even though this news clip only shows a portion of the video it still basically gives an overall representation of what is shown in the original.
The teacher in this video was placed on leave for doing this cheer in class. Fox News calls it "racy". After hearing about this I went to YouTube to check it out for myself. I was expecting lots of hip gyration, toe touching and booty shaking. None! I was really disappointed. Not so much for the sheer lack of sexually visual stimulation which left me less than gratified but more so for the parents of her students and the school administration's attitude towards her for this EXTREMELY tame exhibition.
It perplexes me how this is somehow sexually provocative yet all the underage high school cheerleaders all across America in their tight sweaters and short skirts where you can see their knickers every time they do a high kick in front of families with young children, horny teenagers and aging perverts at school sporting events is somehow fine.
The only inappropriate thing that perhaps this teacher did was waste class time, but I'm sure there are other teachers in the school who waste class time as well.
As one poster on YouTube pointed out, there is an American flag in the background. Apparently it's only there for its decorative value.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:37 AM
Labels: cheerleader, school, sex, teacher