I'm not going to post the picture here...not because of any reason other than I'm writing this entry on the fly and don't feel like going through all the steps to post it...google it if you want to see it...people are using this pic of Obama dressed in these robes and turban as proof that he really is a Muslim...first of all so what if he is a Muslim? Oh that's right Muslims are terrorists and Obama is only running for president so he can blow up the Oval Office...okay good point! But I don't mean to burst your bubble but if you ever put down the TV remote and got your fat ass out of your stained easy chair and actually got some edumacation you would know that this is how a LOT of people dress in many parts of the World REGARDLESS of religion! I am to assume that anyone in the West in a suit and tie is a Baptist? Or that because some one is wearing Nikes that they are an olympic runner? Or that because your mom has a mustache that she is Russian? Yeah that would be prejudice but we aren't prejudice are we? That's just a word that those blacks use against white people when ever things don't go their way.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ah ha! Obama IS a Muslim! I knew it! Look at how he's dressed!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:43 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Get 'er done!
Yeah I know, it's unpatriotic to question the war and just because I dare to ask any questions about it at all must mean that I hate our troops. Alright, whatever, Nazi.
I heard today on the radio and I have heard it said before that the troops are over there fighting for our freedom. Freedom from what? I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. Was there an army on it's way over here to enslave us all? One of the things mentioned on the talk show was that we were fighting over there so that we wouldn't have to wear burkas over here. Hunh??? Why would we be wearing burkas now if we didn't invade Iraq? I'm not trying to be a wise guy here but c'mon listen to yourselves! Shit don't even make sense...all the little bullshit that y'all come up with to justify the war is ridiculous. Hey, I'm not saying we shouldn't be over there but please give me a more realistic reason than that! I'm a grown man and can handle it.
Also, I keep hearing about that we need to win the war. We can't just "cut and run". But what the fuck does winning entail? We haven't even agreed on a reason for the war in the first place! How the hell are we supposed to know when we've won if we don't even have a goal??? Okay, we were told that we had to invade Iraq because of WMD's...okay, we went, we invaded, discovered that there were no WMD's, soooo didn't we win? Reason for war=WMD's, no WMD's=goal met...we won! Okay, Okay, then we decided, hey we can't just leave without getting Saddam...so we got Saddam...goal met...we won! Right? No? Okay, we can't just leave the Iraqis without a government! So let's help them rebuild one and let's make sure it's democratic...Iraqis voted, goal met, we're done, let's bounce! Hooooold up...not so fast, cowboy. We still got some more work to do. We have to rid the country of "insurgents"...you know, the guys who aren't even from Iraq but who followed us there like fleas on a dog? Anyways, the insurgency is all but squashed, the surge took care of that! Can we leave now? Nope not yet! We still haven't won! We still have to stop terrorism...sheesh! That's going to take forever! Shit, we can't even catch Osama and we are on his fucking mailing list!
Don't get me wrong...I hope we do win this war whatever that means. We can't just cut and run but we can't just keep going on forever like this either. We need to figure out what winning means and just fucking do it! I am thankful that I do not have any family over there but I have plenty of friends that I want to be able to come back home safe and sound. Let's win this.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
6:25 PM
Labels: iraq, patriotism, war
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hey, girl!
When is it sexist to call a woman a girl? I was just thinking about this the other day when in conversation I commented to a female co-worker that she was a smart girl. I immediately flash-backed to my youth when my mother used to constantly remind me that it was not appropriate to call full grown women 'girls'. Well, my co-worker is probably in her early 20's and is still very 'girlish', none-the-less she is a woman. Should I have said she was a smart woman? I thought about it and I figured that in any circumstance that I would not call a man a 'boy' in similar circumstances it would not be appropriate to call a woman a 'girl'. So I replayed the incident in my mind, this time putting a penis on my co-worker...hmmm, you're a very smart boy I said to myself. Very condescending it sounded which was not the intent of the comment. So in conclusion, at least in this situation, it was sexist to call this woman a girl.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:25 AM
Labels: chauvinism, chauvinist, feminism, feminist, gender, sexism, sexist
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Being a grown up is not all it's cracked up to be
I'm having a hard time getting my life on track...all I need is an extra $1000 in my pocket and a week off from work and I'll get it done...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
1:20 PM
Labels: blah
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Vein Popping Cop
This pig seriously needs to get his attitude readjusted. No matter how disrespectful he may have perceived that kid to be he had no right to put his hands on him, take his board or talk to him the way he did. It is curious why he gets so offended by being called "man" and "dude", perhaps is it because he's a bitch? If the kid broke the law then write him a ticket or arrest his ass don't just stand there and verbally jerk-off in his face. Your job is to uphold the law not to pass moral judgment or discipline other people's kids because you don't agree with their social behaviors. This pig has a lot to say about respect perhaps he should learn some of his own...he speaks of the kid getting killed because of his attitude, well Mr. Officer, a LOT of people already don't like the police and with that attitude of yours you just might find your self in a life and death situation if you ever confront the wrong criminal. And don't think you will receive any pity because you are wearing a cute short set or drive a funny little clown car. Do the fucking job that WE pay you to do, be professional and don't make things personal. And NEVER, NEVER talk about somebody's parents ESPECIALLY if you've never met them...in some places that WILL get you killed you little disrespectful punk...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:46 AM
Labels: cops, pigs, police, skateboarders, skaters
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Christiane Amanpour; Radical Muslim
Reporter Christiane Amanpour worked on a three-part documentary series last year titled "God's Warriors". The program was basically about extremism within the three major Abrahamic religions, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Well, of course after this program aired all the racist, prejudiced and xenophobic bloggers came out of the woodwork to condemn her work. Mrs. Amanpour and CNN (the station that aired the program) were criticized for having an Arabic Muslim, who by ethnicity and religion must be biased and why did they not have a Jew report on Jewish extremism and a Christian report on Christian extremism (although they believe there is no such thing and is only inherent in the Muslim religion!)
The funny thing here is, and this is where the prejudice comes in, i.e. to PRE-JUDGE, in this case based on skin color (racism) and geographic origin (xenophobia). Christiane Amanpour is neither Arabic nor Muslim, she is PERSIAN by ethnicity and a CHRISTIAN by faith. In fact being among the Christian minority in Iran she knows first-hand about Islamic extremism from the victims' side of the fence. And she undoubtedly knows now all too well about Christian prejudice, ignorance and intolerance!
These people will claim that they are not racist, xenophobic or in any other way prejudice, however, their ignorant assumptions shows them as otherwise. Don't get me wrong! We are all human and prone to make mistakes and assumptions about others based on past experience or when there is insufficient evidence to the contrary. BUT! In this case there are plenty of clues to her real ethnicity and her true religion.
Let us look at a few of these clues, shall we?
1. Her first name is not Arabic/Islamic it is FRENCH and IN FACT is a variation of CHRISTIAN, as in CHRIST!
2. Her last name is not Arabic or Islamic, it is PERSIAN!
3. She attended the CHRISTIAN schools Holy Cross Covenant & New Hall which is a Roman CATHOLIC school.
4. Her family was forced to flee Iran when it BECAME AN ISLAMIC STATE.
5. If she was Muslim, as a woman she would only be allowed to marry a Muslim man, HOWEVER, she is married to a man who has a decidedly UNISLAMIC name.
6. Her child has a curiously UNISLAMIC name.
7. Her sister has a curiously UNISLAMIC name.
8. Her mother is a CHRISTIAN.
I mean, nothing about her says "I am a Muslim" other than the fact that her father is a Muslim, who was evidently such an extremist radical that he married a Christian woman and allowed his children to be raised Christian. Those damn Muslims won't stop until we've all converted to Christianity!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:00 AM
Labels: abrahamic, amanpour, blogging, christianity, cnn, extremism, islam, Judaism, racism, terrorism, xenophobia
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A day at the races...
What I've always said, it only makes sense, right? I mean this is for the leader of our country, the one who more or less will be affecting our lives for better or for worse for the next four years...this is NOT a horse race people...we are not trying to "guess" the winner...we don't get any prizes for guessing right! This is a fucking democratic republic so let's act like we know what the fuck that means! Sheep get slaughtered...don't be one.
Remember way back in 2000? When all these fucking knuckleheads jumped ship and abandoned Nader to roll with Gore? Then when Gore lost to Bush they all blamed Nader??? No, you fuckheads, blame yourselves for NOT voting for who you WANTED but rather for who you THOUGHT would win! YOU got Bush elected you assholes! YOU are the ones who subverted the democratic system and turned into a goddamn horse race!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:49 AM
HipHop Thugz
"In too many instances, hip-hop has become a celebration of ruthless self-interest, delivered by performers who don’t dare crack a smile for fear of losing status. That’s not where the music started, ..." - Sasha Frere-Jones, The New Yorker, 12/3/07
The above is an excerpt from an article that goes on to review a couple of books of photographs of HipHop from a more innocent time. This got me to thinking, why is HipHop like this? First of all not all of it is but enough of it is to lend credence to this stereotype of HipHop. Some might be tempted to take sides on the age old question; Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? But of course nothing in life is ever that simple. The reality often is that both are true even within the same body of art. We have all heard the saying that life is a circle?
It is true that HipHop started out as more of a type of party music but the machismo, braggadocio & tough guy attitudes has always been there to some extent. First off that is just the default nature of the male gender and is also often reinforced through external social forces, especially on young men and especially on young men in poor and working class neighborhoods. But why is it so prevalent in contemporary HipHop? My personal belief is that the major record labels saw that the concept of the angry black man from the ghetto was appealing to the middle-class white kids in the suburbs, so although it was not the record companies that created this attitude in Hiphop they are the ones that saw the dollar signs in it and therefore aggressively pushed it to the forefront of the genre...and in turn the youth fed into it and now we have this hyper-thuggish, although often is more verbal-hype than actual action, attitude from many of our HipHop youth. So here is an example of art imitating life imitating art.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:06 AM
Labels: HipHop