Fucking A! Grow some pubes and act like fucking adults. Stop whining and blaming Pelosi for hurting your feelings and acting like little children by not voting for that shit just because of some shit she said...sticks and stones.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
leave the politics to the children
The biggest criticism of Obama from the Republicans is that he is inexperienced yet when the Democrats even come close to questioning McCain's VP choice's experience they are labeled as sexist! Which sounds very similar to the complaint that Repubs had when they would be accused of racism when asking hard questions about Obama. Fucking hypocrites. The bitch doesn't even know what a VP does yet the Repubs are popping veins trying to show how "experienced" this broad is. I don't fucking get it man. What's up with these Repubs man? Now I ain't no Demo dick rider, fuck them too but these Repubs sure take the cake when they say shit like during this Gustav storm we need to drop our Republican hat and be about America first...WTF?!? I thought your whole campaign was about America first? But the truth comes to light that the Repub platform is not about America. If it was about America they would stop trying to be bad asses (with other people's kids they send to war) and making enemies all across the Globe. No, they'd rather the World hate us and kill us than looking like punks...you know, that's the same mentality that street gangs have. They want every other country in the World to talk out their conflicts but we have to blow shit up because talking is for arugula eating pansies. Back to McCain's VP...I'm listening to this BBC reporter ask one of the people involved with the campaign what is so wrong asking about Palin's experience since no one has ever heard of her and he got all defensive firing back that WE know who she is, referring to to folks directly involved with the campaign, yeah no shit sherlock but WE as in the PEOPLE don't know her which is the fucking point dipshit! Now she may end up being a good VP if McCain is elected but the thing about a VP is that they not only need to be a good VP they need to be a good president if the old fart decides to croak on us...now whether you prefer Obama or McCain who would you rather trust the country to if one of their VP's had to take charge? Palin or Biden??? Nothing to do with gender but with experience...if she don't even know what a VP does she sure as hell don't know what a pres does...now if McCain picked Rice it wouldn't even be an issue.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:51 PM