Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Very Loose Definition of 'Fact'

Hey, pro-evolution-anti-creationism guys! Comparing the scientific theory of evolution to the scientific fact of gravity and other such 1+1=2 observable phenomena is not an equitable comparison! Stop it!

Gravity can be proven by jumping out of a ten story window, therefore it is an indisputable fact. Evolution is just the best guess from very smart people who have done a lot of research on very little and incomplete evidence. Evolution is not something that is directly observable like gravity is. We would need a time machine in order to do so.

Okay, now you pro-creationism-anti-evolution guys, don't you dare even think about for one minute to use this argument in your defense! Trust me, scientists are way smarter than you. Most people are way smarter than you! So if I were you I would just leave it alone. This wasn't even an anti-evolution argument but I know you guys really don't care about such things because you guys don't even really care what your most holy book really says about anything.

For me, there are two types of 'facts'. The 1st are 'actual facts' such as gravity or that water is wet. In other words you would have a very hard time convincing even the most dim-witted of us that these are not actual facts! The 2nd kind are 'tentative facts' which are facts that are facts until other evidence comes about to prove otherwise. Stuff that is not directly observable in real-time with our 5 senses. Stuff like evolution and that eggs are bad for you (or is that they are good for you?).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Republicrybabies are at it again...

Shut the fuck up. What the House Republicans are "going through" has NO comparison in any shape or form to what is going on with the protests in Iran. You guys are a bunch of motherfucking bitches. And you wonder why your party is dying...never should have let the Neo-Cons pimp you.

House Republicans: Iranian Protesters Just Like Us

The funny thing is the same people that they are trying to piggy-back off of are the same ones they would be quick to throw into Gitmo since they are all radical Muslims (which is a redundant term in the minds of most Conservatives).

Yeah, Yeah, We Know, We Know...

Last night after being dropped off from a night of drinking, kicking it with old & new friends, listening to dope live local HipHop on my way back from the big yellow bus that slangs grilled cheese sandwiches I saw a fat white dude on an adult sized tricycle in a pink tutu with a full beard blasting Newcleus' "Jam On It" from a boombox and he had about 3 or 4 cohorts riding along side him, they were all dressed normal and they shouted "wiki wiki wiki" at me as they rode by then a couple blocks up I saw them all throw their bikes into the back of a big black truck that looked like an Escalade or something like that then they all piled in and skirted off and just to let you know I just did this whole post with only one period.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ignoramus Monkey Anus


I know there is no need to comment on this video because the irony is so painfully obvious but damn, seriously though? How can she not see it? Besides the fact that she had to show her ignorance by having to look up a word that means ignorant person she compounded her show of ignorance by getting the definition wrong!

She apparently confused the definition with the name of a character from a play who was a lawyer.

To her credit, I guess, it is an archaic legal term, however it still did not ever mean lawyer.


It has been over 100 days since his inauguration and Obama has yet to don a turban and institute sharia law.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's been a long time...

Not a damn post from me for almost a 1/4 year. Damn time flies...October don't seem that long ago. Why don't you scroll down to the very first post and work your way might find something that interests you...or maybe not.