Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joe The No Show

Okay by now anyone who is still following this soap opera knows that "Joe The Plumber" did not show up at a McCain rally that McCain thought he would be at and even announced his appearance and called out his name...then, when he realized he was a no show he of course he went for the easy and obvious "well, everyone is Joe The Plumber", well, McCain, we are not. Personally I pay my taxes, use my real name and don't make up stories about owning a plumbing business when I don't even have a license. But that's just me. And of course the official word from the campaign is that Joe The Plumber is just a metaphor and not a real person...what? Oh, he must be from that fake part of America that y'all keep talking about.

And as usual, following the lead of the McCain campaign, supporters are already accusing (in this case "pre-accusing!) how all the wacky Obama supporters are going to react to this and manipulate, twist and contort this event...or non event into something more than it was or wasn't. Here is a prime example:

Things happen. Its not a big deal but of course Obama supporters will try and make it a big deal. Its not like McCain did not show up or Palin - give me a break folks.

Its better that happens than watching that 30 minute Obama clip last night. It was downright strange. Obama should have had a "live" 30 minute infocommercial with people being able to talk to him and see him in person. Obviously he does not want anyone to be able to ask him anything. Another thing about Obama to be concerned about - he is not available to the public. Creepy - solcialist type of behaviour - scary. He is sneaky and controlling. He is someone to be afraid of if given power to America that is for sure.

Concerned American

McCain/Palin 2008

Okay let's break this bullshit down point by point...

Things happen. Its not a big deal but of course Obama supporters will try and make it a big deal. Its not like McCain did not show up or Palin - give me a break folks.

I doubt it. But we already know, based on past incidents, that if this was to happen to Obama that the next day McCain would have an ad out, or Palin would be at a rally questioning Obama's ability to run the country based on this one, little, insignificant event. You know it's true. That's a conservative tactic. Take one thing that has nothing to do with the other and blame it on that or make some kind of abstract connection.

Its better that happens than watching that 30 minute Obama clip last night. It was downright strange. Obama should have had a "live" 30 minute infocommercial with people being able to talk to him and see him in person. Obviously he does not want anyone to be able to ask him anything.

Didn't see the Obama "clip" so I can't really comment on that but he already did the "live" thing. It was called the debate when people from the audience asked both candidates questions. People have been talking to and seeing him in person going on two years now. His campaign is not the one who coined the term "gotcha question". He is not the one that whines about being asked the "wrong questions" and refusing to do interviews and shit...why don't you give us a break.

Another thing about Obama to be concerned about - he is not available to the public. Creepy - solcialist type of behaviour - scary. He is sneaky and controlling. He is someone to be afraid of if given power to America that is for sure.

Yeah, out of the two campaigns it has been the Obama ticket that has been "unavailable" to the public, yeah sure that's it. Haha. As far as "socialist type behavior", socialism is not just "sharing" (like that's a bad thing) or just about "spreading the wealth" because if it was then America is already socialist and it has been for a long time...if he or she pays taxes then by their reasoning they are participating in socialism.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

They Forgot About Us

I hear a lot of talk about Wall Street and Main Street but what about MLK BLVD? Or Skid Row? I don't see too many Middle Class really hurting. It's the poor working class low wage earning folks that are the hardest hit. I understand catering to the middle class but what about us? Are we not important? We're the one's making the middle class lifestyle comfortable. Somebody has to wear the blue collar!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Colin Powell is a Racist.

Colin Powell endorsed Obama instead of McCain so now the Conservatives are blaming it on race.

Who Are The Real Elitists -or- Who Does This Bitch Think She Is???

Who does Palin think she is? Who is she to define who or what a "real" American is? Are all the victims and heroes of 9/11 not "real" Americans because they are from the "big city"? Talk about America bashing! "Joe Sixpack" doesn't only live in Small Town, USA, you know. Conservatives and Republicans live in big cities too. And God forbid that a patriot could reside in a big city! I guess all those brave soldiers fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan who happen to be from cities like New York, Los Angeles & Chicago are nothing but unpatriotic traitors, how dare they!