First of all I live in Portland, Oregon in the great wet Northwest. People born and bred here don't use umbrellas or at least that's one of our many mottos. The truth is I know a lot of Portland natives who use umbrellas but most of us just opt for a hoodie if even that. In fact if you see someone with an umbrella 9 times out of 10 they ain't originally from here.
Now to my reasons why I hate people who use umbreallas...or maybe I should say I hate that they use umbrellas...or when they use umbrellas...point is it would be ridiculous of me to hate someone just because they use a specific type of tool! Or maybe I do actually hate them while they're carrying the umbrella....anyways enough of the philosophizin'
People who use umbrellas tend to be oblivious to everyone around them. They will poke you in the eye if you try to walk along side them. They will shake off their umbrella with no regard to who's around them getting anyone within radius soaked (much like a wet dog). And my favorite - they will HOG any available covering, such as sidewalk awnings, forcing everyone else out into the rain! You have a fucking umbrella asshole...walk in the goddamn rain and let me walk underneath the tiny little strip of covering that barely covers 3 inches of the sidewalk!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Why I hate people with umbrellas.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:37 AM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Very Loose Definition of 'Fact'
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:00 PM
Labels: creationism, eggs, evolution, facts, time-machines
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Republicrybabies are at it again...
Shut the fuck up. What the House Republicans are "going through" has NO comparison in any shape or form to what is going on with the protests in Iran. You guys are a bunch of motherfucking bitches. And you wonder why your party is dying...never should have let the Neo-Cons pimp you.
House Republicans: Iranian Protesters Just Like Us
The funny thing is the same people that they are trying to piggy-back off of are the same ones they would be quick to throw into Gitmo since they are all radical Muslims (which is a redundant term in the minds of most Conservatives).
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:16 AM
Labels: iran, punk ass bitches, republicans
Yeah, Yeah, We Know, We Know...
Last night after being dropped off from a night of drinking, kicking it with old & new friends, listening to dope live local HipHop on my way back from the big yellow bus that slangs grilled cheese sandwiches I saw a fat white dude on an adult sized tricycle in a pink tutu with a full beard blasting Newcleus' "Jam On It" from a boombox and he had about 3 or 4 cohorts riding along side him, they were all dressed normal and they shouted "wiki wiki wiki" at me as they rode by then a couple blocks up I saw them all throw their bikes into the back of a big black truck that looked like an Escalade or something like that then they all piled in and skirted off and just to let you know I just did this whole post with only one period.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:53 AM
Labels: wiki wiki wiki
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ignoramus Monkey Anus
I know there is no need to comment on this video because the irony is so painfully obvious but damn, seriously though? How can she not see it? Besides the fact that she had to show her ignorance by having to look up a word that means ignorant person she compounded her show of ignorance by getting the definition wrong!
She apparently confused the definition with the name of a character from a play who was a lawyer.
To her credit, I guess, it is an archaic legal term, however it still did not ever mean lawyer.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:40 AM
Labels: chavez, daily show, fox news, ignoramus, ignorance, obama
It has been over 100 days since his inauguration and Obama has yet to don a turban and institute sharia law.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:31 AM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Next Level Turntablism
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:25 AM
Labels: D.J., DeeJay, HipHop, Revolution, turntablism
Saturday, February 7, 2009
It's been a long time...
Not a damn post from me for almost a 1/4 year. Damn time flies...October don't seem that long ago. Why don't you scroll down to the very first post and work your way might find something that interests you...or maybe not.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
2:37 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Joe The No Show
Okay by now anyone who is still following this soap opera knows that "Joe The Plumber" did not show up at a McCain rally that McCain thought he would be at and even announced his appearance and called out his name...then, when he realized he was a no show he of course he went for the easy and obvious "well, everyone is Joe The Plumber", well, McCain, we are not. Personally I pay my taxes, use my real name and don't make up stories about owning a plumbing business when I don't even have a license. But that's just me. And of course the official word from the campaign is that Joe The Plumber is just a metaphor and not a real person...what? Oh, he must be from that fake part of America that y'all keep talking about.
And as usual, following the lead of the McCain campaign, supporters are already accusing (in this case "pre-accusing!) how all the wacky Obama supporters are going to react to this and manipulate, twist and contort this event...or non event into something more than it was or wasn't. Here is a prime example:
Things happen. Its not a big deal but of course Obama supporters will try and make it a big deal. Its not like McCain did not show up or Palin - give me a break folks.
Its better that happens than watching that 30 minute Obama clip last night. It was downright strange. Obama should have had a "live" 30 minute infocommercial with people being able to talk to him and see him in person. Obviously he does not want anyone to be able to ask him anything. Another thing about Obama to be concerned about - he is not available to the public. Creepy - solcialist type of behaviour - scary. He is sneaky and controlling. He is someone to be afraid of if given power to America that is for sure.
Concerned American
McCain/Palin 2008
Okay let's break this bullshit down point by point...
Things happen. Its not a big deal but of course Obama supporters will try and make it a big deal. Its not like McCain did not show up or Palin - give me a break folks.
I doubt it. But we already know, based on past incidents, that if this was to happen to Obama that the next day McCain would have an ad out, or Palin would be at a rally questioning Obama's ability to run the country based on this one, little, insignificant event. You know it's true. That's a conservative tactic. Take one thing that has nothing to do with the other and blame it on that or make some kind of abstract connection.
Its better that happens than watching that 30 minute Obama clip last night. It was downright strange. Obama should have had a "live" 30 minute infocommercial with people being able to talk to him and see him in person. Obviously he does not want anyone to be able to ask him anything.
Didn't see the Obama "clip" so I can't really comment on that but he already did the "live" thing. It was called the debate when people from the audience asked both candidates questions. People have been talking to and seeing him in person going on two years now. His campaign is not the one who coined the term "gotcha question". He is not the one that whines about being asked the "wrong questions" and refusing to do interviews and shit...why don't you give us a break.
Another thing about Obama to be concerned about - he is not available to the public. Creepy - solcialist type of behaviour - scary. He is sneaky and controlling. He is someone to be afraid of if given power to America that is for sure.
Yeah, out of the two campaigns it has been the Obama ticket that has been "unavailable" to the public, yeah sure that's it. Haha. As far as "socialist type behavior", socialism is not just "sharing" (like that's a bad thing) or just about "spreading the wealth" because if it was then America is already socialist and it has been for a long time...if he or she pays taxes then by their reasoning they are participating in socialism.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:29 PM
Labels: joe the plumber, mccain, obama, socialism, socialist
Thursday, October 23, 2008
They Forgot About Us
I hear a lot of talk about Wall Street and Main Street but what about MLK BLVD? Or Skid Row? I don't see too many Middle Class really hurting. It's the poor working class low wage earning folks that are the hardest hit. I understand catering to the middle class but what about us? Are we not important? We're the one's making the middle class lifestyle comfortable. Somebody has to wear the blue collar!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
5:38 PM
Labels: blue collar, main street, poor, presidential election, wall street, working class
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who Are The Real Elitists -or- Who Does This Bitch Think She Is???
Who does Palin think she is? Who is she to define who or what a "real" American is? Are all the victims and heroes of 9/11 not "real" Americans because they are from the "big city"? Talk about America bashing! "Joe Sixpack" doesn't only live in Small Town, USA, you know. Conservatives and Republicans live in big cities too. And God forbid that a patriot could reside in a big city! I guess all those brave soldiers fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan who happen to be from cities like New York, Los Angeles & Chicago are nothing but unpatriotic traitors, how dare they!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Cry Babies
Fucking A! Grow some pubes and act like fucking adults. Stop whining and blaming Pelosi for hurting your feelings and acting like little children by not voting for that shit just because of some shit she said...sticks and stones.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:41 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
leave the politics to the children
The biggest criticism of Obama from the Republicans is that he is inexperienced yet when the Democrats even come close to questioning McCain's VP choice's experience they are labeled as sexist! Which sounds very similar to the complaint that Repubs had when they would be accused of racism when asking hard questions about Obama. Fucking hypocrites. The bitch doesn't even know what a VP does yet the Repubs are popping veins trying to show how "experienced" this broad is. I don't fucking get it man. What's up with these Repubs man? Now I ain't no Demo dick rider, fuck them too but these Repubs sure take the cake when they say shit like during this Gustav storm we need to drop our Republican hat and be about America first...WTF?!? I thought your whole campaign was about America first? But the truth comes to light that the Repub platform is not about America. If it was about America they would stop trying to be bad asses (with other people's kids they send to war) and making enemies all across the Globe. No, they'd rather the World hate us and kill us than looking like know, that's the same mentality that street gangs have. They want every other country in the World to talk out their conflicts but we have to blow shit up because talking is for arugula eating pansies. Back to McCain's VP...I'm listening to this BBC reporter ask one of the people involved with the campaign what is so wrong asking about Palin's experience since no one has ever heard of her and he got all defensive firing back that WE know who she is, referring to to folks directly involved with the campaign, yeah no shit sherlock but WE as in the PEOPLE don't know her which is the fucking point dipshit! Now she may end up being a good VP if McCain is elected but the thing about a VP is that they not only need to be a good VP they need to be a good president if the old fart decides to croak on whether you prefer Obama or McCain who would you rather trust the country to if one of their VP's had to take charge? Palin or Biden??? Nothing to do with gender but with experience...if she don't even know what a VP does she sure as hell don't know what a pres if McCain picked Rice it wouldn't even be an issue.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:51 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Muslim HipHoppers Outlawed by Their Muslim Governments
I just want to say big up to HipHop...I don't have the energy right now to compose an actual article or to find the appropriate links to post but I just watched a news report about HipHop artists in Islamic countries who are standing up to their oppressive governments while still staying true to Islam and not selling out. People can talk bad all they want about HipHop and Islam but when you get to the core essence of both the are two of the greatest forces in this World for positive change. Fuck you commercial rapppers and extremist Muslims trying to hijack our cultures you won't succeed. PEACE AK ASALAAM U ALAIKUM!!!!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:14 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
PC Mag Top 100 Undiscovered Websites...YAB Abridged version
PC Magazine recently came out with a top 100 list of "undiscovered" websites. I just went through the list myself and I was able to whittle it down to about half that...based purely on my own personal tastes...and also on what I think a few specific people I know might be interested in :)
Of course I was only able to give each site a precursory preview so perhaps this list may get whittled down even further as I check out each site more in-depth. - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Apps and Services - Fun and Games - Fun and Games - Fun and Games - Fun and Games - Health and Science - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Info, Search, and Reference - Lifestyle - Lifestyle - Lifestyle - Money and Real Estate - Money and Real Estate - Money and Real Estate - Music - Music - Music - Music - Music - Photo - Photo - Photo - Photo - Shopping - Shopping - Shopping - Shopping - Shopping - Social Networking - Social Networking - Social Networking - Social Networking - Technology - Technology - Technology - Technology - Technology - Travel and Maps - Travel and Maps
Have fun.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
2:56 PM
Labels: pc magazine, top 100, websites
Sunday, May 4, 2008
White Power vs. Black Empowerment
There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about Trinity United Church, Pastor Wright's church and the church that Barack Obama has attended for many years. In much of the media it is being labeled a "black separatist" church. I have looked all through their website, watched videos on Youtube of church events. Hmmm, no real inclination of separatism. Just because a lot of white folks are scared to go to places that have a predominately black presence does not mean that they are separatists it means that thewhite folks that choose not to patronize are the separatists.
The church, as goes their motto, is unapologetically black. Although white folks want to pretend that because blacks now have equal rights under the law that racism is officially over and does not exist in any shape or form any more and that centuries of past institutionalized racism has had no lasting affect on American society. In fact, any black person who dares to speak on racism themselves are the true racists. We are not allowed to be pro-black because in the white man's mind black pride is equated to white pride. And we all know what white pride leads to. However, there is a significant difference between a historically dominant group showing pride as opposed to an oppressed group. The oppressed group is playing catch up and showing pride in themselves despite the fact that they are led to believe that they are less than nothing. It's mostly an inward thing, to uplift the individual and the community as a whole. When the dominant group promotes their pride it has more to do with the group(s) they are oppressing and has nothing to do with bettering themselves.
Any group that espouse white power or pride are undoubtedly racist & separatist. I challenge any reader to find a self-professed white power group that allows members of other ethnicities or even willingly works with them on any level. Now, let us look at some of the most racialist of black groups. Let's take the Nation of God's and Earths for example. Now, this group believes that the black man is god and that the white man is a devilish creature bred by an evil black scientist. This group of all groups actually has bonafide white members. They have worked with white people that they consider friends. Their motto is that they are "...not pro-black or anti-white but pro-righteousness and anti-devilishment." With all that said, this group has some of the most racist ideology of any black group I have ever heard yet somehow they still remain non-hate and non-separatist. That's the difference between black power and white power.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fat Drug Addicts of Past History
I wish Rush would make up his fat mind. One day, almost everyday, he complains how liberals, democrats, blacks and whoever else he has a problem with (yes, he has a big problem with blacks as long as the majority of us don't submit to his brand of neo-conservative ideology) are all stuck in the past...slavery, jim crow, segregation, etc. was all in the past and we need to get over it! Yet today he is going on and on and on about how nobody cares about the past anymore and how relevant the past is and blah, blah, blah. Yes, Rush the past is relevant! That's why we still bring up the issue of race, slavery & segregation! Not that we believe that because of the past that our future is doomed etc., etc. but just as the things from the past that you(Rush!) think is important that is still relevant today as it affects modern society so do the things that we think are important! And that these things to some degree still affect us today and are obstacles that must be overcome and as the years pass and progress is made these obstacles become less and less obstructive. So basically, fuck you (Rush!). You are no different than the liberals you despise so much. You both pick and choose what supports your point and disregard all that contradicts it.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:14 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Ah ha! Wright was a MUSLIM! I should've known! a REAL christian wouldn't say those things!
Now they are telling us that pastor Reverend Wright is an ex-Muslim. Okay, if that is true, this is an issue, why? So far the pundit dribble that I am hearing on the airwaves are saying this as if him being a former Muslim somehow makes him a Muslim today. And that this goes to show why he is the racist that he is. As if Islam has ever had an issue with racism...I mean, so far, it seems we have had problems with Muslim terrorists from all racial backgrounds...even WHITE AMERICAN Muslims. Now if they really wanted to make the race connection they should have noted that he supposedly WAS A NATION OF ISLAM type of Muslim which definitely supports racist ideology. But, no, to these bigots ALL Muslims are the same! Even if they are not even real Muslims (not only have Muslims around the World deny the NOI as real Muslims they themselves teach that they are not real Muslims*)
* The NOI has always taught that they are not a religion but a "science" and that "orthodox Islam" is misguided. The main tenets of NOI and orthodox Islam are at odds with each other. Even such opposing groups as the Sunnis and the Shias still share the basic tenets of orthodox Islam which the NOI does not. There was a branch of NOI that broke off and has converted to orthodox Islam but Farrakahn's group, although trying to appear often lately as real Muslims when convenient for them, only use the rhetoric of Islam but ascribe alternate meanings to the terms.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Random Thoughts on Obama, Wright & Race
Sorry for the non-linear manner of this the title states these are random thoughts...
First of all people have to realize there is a difference between racial and racist. When someone is being racial they notice color but the racist not only notices color but makes judgments based on it. Mr. Wright is a racialist, most Americans are, but is he a racist? Perhaps but not because of anything in the speeches being looped around the clock. Neither does his physical actions indicate so.
Anything that blacks do for social advancement that does not fit the conservatives ideal of how we should do it is considered racist.
I do not consider Obama a sell out for distancing himself from Mr. Wright's controversial statements. I understand the position that the ever sensitive white America has put him in.
I have resisted for a long time from calling conservatives racist but when they constantly throw our shortcomings as black folks in our face and then turn around and get "huffy" when we point out the flaws of their community.
Like I said...random.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:41 PM
Labels: black, conservatism, obama, race, racial, racism, racist, wright
Gotta Love Family
It seems like I am always the last one to be informed about family events if informed at all. It has been like this even when I was younger and still lived at home. I do not know why this is, maybe it's something about my personality, I don't know.
I wasn't even informed about my sister's wedding rehearsal until the day before and I was one of the groomsmen, at least I guess that's what I was, I was never really sure. So I was not even able to be there for the rehearsal because that was hardly enough time to request the day off from work. By the way, I had never been in a wedding before so I had no clue what was going on.
Just last week I was invited over to my sister's house via text message for a birthday party that was happening the next day. I didn't even get a 24 hour notice this time, I got the message about 10 that evening. Again, not enough time to arrange to get time off of work. The message didn't even inform me of whose birthday it was, I knew it wasn't my sister's because she had just had hers the week before. It turned out it was her husband's and our uncle's birthday. It would have been nice to be there as he is an uncle I don't see that often and he almost died awhile back.
I think it was last July 4th that my family had a party. I worked early that day specifically so I can enjoy the day with family. But they decided that 3pm wasn't early enough so they decided to get together at some ridiculous time like 11am. Now my family is not one of those families that really "parties" so by the time I would've showed up everybody would've been long gone. I mean it is Independence Day! It is Summer! Get together in the afternoon and hang out for fireworks in the evening. Nope, couldn't do that or else I might have actually been able to be there.
My sister asks why I never come over. Well, it might be because when she invites me if it's not the day before it is literally like an hour before! I have a job, that doesn't work for me. Even if my job wasn't an issue, come on! Maybe I have plans??? To be fair, when she calls me to come over an hour before it is usually because they are cooking and it was just a spur of the moment invite, but still, if those are the only invites I'm getting don't be surprised when I rarely visit.
She also asks why her and her husband never come over to my house. Good question. I have invited them on numerous occasions, have even given them a weeks notice but they never show up. So after awhile you quit asking. Now, it is just an open invite, come over when and if you can and care to.
Overall though my family has been great to me. There would be something wrong if everything was perfect. But I do like to be around family and it would be nice if I was more in the loop, I mean, besides extended family there is only three of us, but I am not holding my breath. That's just how things are, I've let them know before but it always puts them on the defensive so I just leave it alone.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
3:46 PM
Labels: family
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Responsibility Hypocrisy
Six days after the destruction of the world trade center towers, President Bush visited the Islamic Center in Washington “to denounce incidents of prejudice against Muslim Americans.” He was attempting to defuse the national outrage against the attackers and prevent a violent backlash against Muslims living in America.
Since then, government leaders and the media have worked hard at establishing in our minds that most Muslims are peace-loving and the terrorists are fringe extremists.
But the line between the two remains very blurred. “Unfortunately, it is not so easy to find Muslim leaders who have genuinely renounced violent jihad and any intention, now or in the future, to impose Sharia (Muslim Law) on non-Muslim countries,” writes Robert Spencer, author of several books on Islam. (From some random post on
The thing about this is that Muslims speak out against terrorism all the time but what more do we want them to do? It's like we expect them to form their own anti-terrorist terrorist group to terrorize the terrorists because after all Muslims are supposed to be violent so why can't the moderates be violent against the extremists...sounds ridiculous when you actually say it out loud but I believe this is what a lot of people are thinking.
Also on the other hand, when the shoe is on the other foot and Christians are fucking shit up no one expects the Christians to stand up against their extremist compatriots because when it comes to Christians we can draw a distinction between the two sides but with Muslims we tend to think of them as all one congruent group.
The facts are that a lot of moderate Christians actively detest extremist Christianity as do many Muslims detest extremist Islam (and even die for it) but the difference is that we as a society don't expect the Christians to be obligated to do so but feel that it is absolutely the Muslims responsibility to do so.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sunday Shanninigans
I witnessed a couple of interesting things last Sunday. The first incident happened on my morning commute to work. I was on the bus, there was an elderly man in a motorized scooter up front. As the bus took a turn the man, along with scooter, fell to the floor. No one came to the man's aid except for a couple of women, one in her teens and the other a senior citizen, they were together. Now the interesting part is that this man who was obviously a Christian gentleman dressed in his Sunday best on his way to church and so was about two thirds of the rest of the passengers, many with Bible in hand. None of them and I repeat, none of them came to this man's aid...a fellow Christian. These two women? They were Muslim in complete Islamic garb. Don't get me wrong, this is not a stab at Christians, I know many good Christians that wouldn't of hesitated for a moment to leap to this man's aid, regardless of his religion. And at the same time this is not an attempt to promote Islamic ideals. However, this does go to show that you can't judge a book by it's religion so to speak.
The other incident that witnessed this day? Well, I was at a fast food restaurant and as I was waiting for my order a man and his two very young children (boy & girl) came in to order after me. The kids were both extremely dirty and looked to be a real handful for this father (who by the way was a soldier dressed in fatigues and from the bits of conversation that I caught sounded like he was about to be shipped out soon, didn't catch where exactly...has nothing to do with the story just a bit of interesting information). As this man was ordering his son was trying to climb up on the counter. The man gave him a swift slap on the butt. The boy then bent over, reached down the back of his first I thought he was just rubbing his bottom because it hurt but no, he was digging! And he continued to dig for a good thirty seconds. He then removed his hand from his shorts, looked at his finger, which the tip was in fact brown. He then wiped it on the counter, then on his dad's uniform, then he touched all over the cup lids and straws and after they sat down was rubbing his hands all in his dad's face...pops was oblivious to what his son was doing with his hand earlier. The kid was young but he was old enough to know better. It was hard for me to eat my food because all I could think about all the things he had touched and if anything I had came into contact with any of those surfaces. Moral to the never know what just happened before you got there, no matter where it's at. Nasty...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:13 PM
Labels: christians, disease, fast food, germs, hygiene, islamic, muslims
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Christian Victim Complex
It seems that everywhere in the World Christians always complain about being victims of intolerance. I just had a conversation with a woman who claims that it is common in a certain West African country for Christians to be despised and looked down on. Now, I am no expert on this country but I have been there on occasion and retain close ties to it. I am certain that there is at least some intolerance towards Christians there as no country is immune to these types of attitudes (not just towards Christians from non-Christians). But in my first-hand experience and second-hand information from knowledgeable sources I am certain that it is not the norm. This country is about 95% Muslim and if they wanted to treat the Christians as second-class citizens or worse the Christians would be way outnumbered. Yet if they were so anti-Christian why would they celebrate Christmas? Why would they have a huge church in the middle of their capitol city? Why would Christians be protected by their constitution? Christians have for far too long cried victim. The days of Rome are over...shit, they own Rome now! Yes, there are places in the World where Christians are jailed and killed simply for being openly Christian. But this is true of every group of people in one place or another...Christians have no special claim to this. In fact, Christians have the most followers of any religion World wide! And in many places where they claim to be victims, especially here in the USA, they more or less run the country and have done so since the beginning. Christians historically have been intolerant of other faiths and although it ain't right, a lot of the intolerance towards Christians now is a reaction to that! This woman mentioned that when people that she knew (or heard about) in this country converted to Christianity it put a strain on the families and they were often times kicked out of the I was not there so I can not say that this was the situation but I can completely imagine, based on the Born Agains I know here, they were probably constantly trying to convert the rest of the family, telling them that their beliefs were wrong and that they all would perish in Hell if they did not accept Jesus into their hearts and that is what probably caused the strain...not their conversion to Christianity but their constant disrespect for the other family members beliefs.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
6:54 PM
Labels: africa, christ, christians, intolerance, islam, jesus, muslim, religion, tolerance
Black pups face doggie discrimination
Dark-coated pooches tend to linger in shelters the longest. Big, black dogs are often the last to be adopted from animal shelters — a phenomenon known in pet rescue circles as "black dog syndrome." Read complete article here.
Although this article says NOTHING about racism how much do you want to bet that the conservative talk radio shows will pick this up and complain how the liberal media is now trying to make issue of white racism against all things black including dogs? haha you know it...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:09 AM
Labels: black, conservative, dogs, liberal, media, nigger, racism
Re: Good Old Christian Terrorism
This is a response to a blog...actually it is more of a response to the responses of that blog...Click title above for original blog...
I follow Abrahamic scripture. I am not Jewish, Christian or Muslim yet at the same time, in a sense, I am all three. I know, sounds contradictory, but it works for me.
With that said, it astonishes me how so many of the faithful from any religion can claim to be so tolerant and yet in actions and words prove that they are not?
It amazes me how when someone from one’s own religion commits a heinous act that somehow they must not be true believers of that religion…yet when someone from another religion commits a heinous act that is just proof of what the other religion is really about?
It is a false belief that any one religion is about peace or violence. When it comes to the Abrahamic faiths it is both about peace and violence. It is obvious from the Torah, Bible and Qur’an that God states there is time for peace and time for violence. Destroying whole towns? Soddom & Gomorah? That was terrorism right there! Right and wrong is a human invention separate from God. Yahweh/Allah is a God of peace and violence as it serves His purposes.
As I have stated, I believe in the God of Abraham but I do not believe that my way is the only way and I derive this belief from scripture…the same scriptures that many that believe in the same God as I seem to miss. God works in mysterious ways so who am I to question?
At one time I was an agnostic with atheist leanings…I did not appreciate back then when the religious would try to convert me. As now as a religious person I still do not appreciate it…you see, no matter how religious you are, even if you are of the same basic belief system as them they will still try to convert you to their exact way of believing. I do not try to convert others so do not try to convert me…I am open to sharing and if what you have to say is truly the one and only way then your attempts at conversion would not be necessary…I would be compelled to believe, wouldn’t I?
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:42 AM
Labels: abrahamic, christianity, islam, Judaism, religion, terrorism
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ah ha! Obama IS a Muslim! I knew it! Look at how he's dressed!
I'm not going to post the picture here...not because of any reason other than I'm writing this entry on the fly and don't feel like going through all the steps to post it if you want to see it...people are using this pic of Obama dressed in these robes and turban as proof that he really is a Muslim...first of all so what if he is a Muslim? Oh that's right Muslims are terrorists and Obama is only running for president so he can blow up the Oval Office...okay good point! But I don't mean to burst your bubble but if you ever put down the TV remote and got your fat ass out of your stained easy chair and actually got some edumacation you would know that this is how a LOT of people dress in many parts of the World REGARDLESS of religion! I am to assume that anyone in the West in a suit and tie is a Baptist? Or that because some one is wearing Nikes that they are an olympic runner? Or that because your mom has a mustache that she is Russian? Yeah that would be prejudice but we aren't prejudice are we? That's just a word that those blacks use against white people when ever things don't go their way.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:43 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Get 'er done!
Yeah I know, it's unpatriotic to question the war and just because I dare to ask any questions about it at all must mean that I hate our troops. Alright, whatever, Nazi.
I heard today on the radio and I have heard it said before that the troops are over there fighting for our freedom. Freedom from what? I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. Was there an army on it's way over here to enslave us all? One of the things mentioned on the talk show was that we were fighting over there so that we wouldn't have to wear burkas over here. Hunh??? Why would we be wearing burkas now if we didn't invade Iraq? I'm not trying to be a wise guy here but c'mon listen to yourselves! Shit don't even make sense...all the little bullshit that y'all come up with to justify the war is ridiculous. Hey, I'm not saying we shouldn't be over there but please give me a more realistic reason than that! I'm a grown man and can handle it.
Also, I keep hearing about that we need to win the war. We can't just "cut and run". But what the fuck does winning entail? We haven't even agreed on a reason for the war in the first place! How the hell are we supposed to know when we've won if we don't even have a goal??? Okay, we were told that we had to invade Iraq because of WMD's...okay, we went, we invaded, discovered that there were no WMD's, soooo didn't we win? Reason for war=WMD's, no WMD's=goal met...we won! Okay, Okay, then we decided, hey we can't just leave without getting we got Saddam...goal met...we won! Right? No? Okay, we can't just leave the Iraqis without a government! So let's help them rebuild one and let's make sure it's democratic...Iraqis voted, goal met, we're done, let's bounce! Hooooold up...not so fast, cowboy. We still got some more work to do. We have to rid the country of "insurgents" know, the guys who aren't even from Iraq but who followed us there like fleas on a dog? Anyways, the insurgency is all but squashed, the surge took care of that! Can we leave now? Nope not yet! We still haven't won! We still have to stop terrorism...sheesh! That's going to take forever! Shit, we can't even catch Osama and we are on his fucking mailing list!
Don't get me wrong...I hope we do win this war whatever that means. We can't just cut and run but we can't just keep going on forever like this either. We need to figure out what winning means and just fucking do it! I am thankful that I do not have any family over there but I have plenty of friends that I want to be able to come back home safe and sound. Let's win this.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
6:25 PM
Labels: iraq, patriotism, war
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hey, girl!
When is it sexist to call a woman a girl? I was just thinking about this the other day when in conversation I commented to a female co-worker that she was a smart girl. I immediately flash-backed to my youth when my mother used to constantly remind me that it was not appropriate to call full grown women 'girls'. Well, my co-worker is probably in her early 20's and is still very 'girlish', none-the-less she is a woman. Should I have said she was a smart woman? I thought about it and I figured that in any circumstance that I would not call a man a 'boy' in similar circumstances it would not be appropriate to call a woman a 'girl'. So I replayed the incident in my mind, this time putting a penis on my co-worker...hmmm, you're a very smart boy I said to myself. Very condescending it sounded which was not the intent of the comment. So in conclusion, at least in this situation, it was sexist to call this woman a girl.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:25 AM
Labels: chauvinism, chauvinist, feminism, feminist, gender, sexism, sexist
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Being a grown up is not all it's cracked up to be
I'm having a hard time getting my life on track...all I need is an extra $1000 in my pocket and a week off from work and I'll get it done...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
1:20 PM
Labels: blah
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Vein Popping Cop
This pig seriously needs to get his attitude readjusted. No matter how disrespectful he may have perceived that kid to be he had no right to put his hands on him, take his board or talk to him the way he did. It is curious why he gets so offended by being called "man" and "dude", perhaps is it because he's a bitch? If the kid broke the law then write him a ticket or arrest his ass don't just stand there and verbally jerk-off in his face. Your job is to uphold the law not to pass moral judgment or discipline other people's kids because you don't agree with their social behaviors. This pig has a lot to say about respect perhaps he should learn some of his own...he speaks of the kid getting killed because of his attitude, well Mr. Officer, a LOT of people already don't like the police and with that attitude of yours you just might find your self in a life and death situation if you ever confront the wrong criminal. And don't think you will receive any pity because you are wearing a cute short set or drive a funny little clown car. Do the fucking job that WE pay you to do, be professional and don't make things personal. And NEVER, NEVER talk about somebody's parents ESPECIALLY if you've never met some places that WILL get you killed you little disrespectful punk...
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:46 AM
Labels: cops, pigs, police, skateboarders, skaters
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Christiane Amanpour; Radical Muslim
Reporter Christiane Amanpour worked on a three-part documentary series last year titled "God's Warriors". The program was basically about extremism within the three major Abrahamic religions, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Well, of course after this program aired all the racist, prejudiced and xenophobic bloggers came out of the woodwork to condemn her work. Mrs. Amanpour and CNN (the station that aired the program) were criticized for having an Arabic Muslim, who by ethnicity and religion must be biased and why did they not have a Jew report on Jewish extremism and a Christian report on Christian extremism (although they believe there is no such thing and is only inherent in the Muslim religion!)
The funny thing here is, and this is where the prejudice comes in, i.e. to PRE-JUDGE, in this case based on skin color (racism) and geographic origin (xenophobia). Christiane Amanpour is neither Arabic nor Muslim, she is PERSIAN by ethnicity and a CHRISTIAN by faith. In fact being among the Christian minority in Iran she knows first-hand about Islamic extremism from the victims' side of the fence. And she undoubtedly knows now all too well about Christian prejudice, ignorance and intolerance!
These people will claim that they are not racist, xenophobic or in any other way prejudice, however, their ignorant assumptions shows them as otherwise. Don't get me wrong! We are all human and prone to make mistakes and assumptions about others based on past experience or when there is insufficient evidence to the contrary. BUT! In this case there are plenty of clues to her real ethnicity and her true religion.
Let us look at a few of these clues, shall we?
1. Her first name is not Arabic/Islamic it is FRENCH and IN FACT is a variation of CHRISTIAN, as in CHRIST!
2. Her last name is not Arabic or Islamic, it is PERSIAN!
3. She attended the CHRISTIAN schools Holy Cross Covenant & New Hall which is a Roman CATHOLIC school.
4. Her family was forced to flee Iran when it BECAME AN ISLAMIC STATE.
5. If she was Muslim, as a woman she would only be allowed to marry a Muslim man, HOWEVER, she is married to a man who has a decidedly UNISLAMIC name.
6. Her child has a curiously UNISLAMIC name.
7. Her sister has a curiously UNISLAMIC name.
8. Her mother is a CHRISTIAN.
I mean, nothing about her says "I am a Muslim" other than the fact that her father is a Muslim, who was evidently such an extremist radical that he married a Christian woman and allowed his children to be raised Christian. Those damn Muslims won't stop until we've all converted to Christianity!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:00 AM
Labels: abrahamic, amanpour, blogging, christianity, cnn, extremism, islam, Judaism, racism, terrorism, xenophobia
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A day at the races...
What I've always said, it only makes sense, right? I mean this is for the leader of our country, the one who more or less will be affecting our lives for better or for worse for the next four years...this is NOT a horse race people...we are not trying to "guess" the winner...we don't get any prizes for guessing right! This is a fucking democratic republic so let's act like we know what the fuck that means! Sheep get slaughtered...don't be one.
Remember way back in 2000? When all these fucking knuckleheads jumped ship and abandoned Nader to roll with Gore? Then when Gore lost to Bush they all blamed Nader??? No, you fuckheads, blame yourselves for NOT voting for who you WANTED but rather for who you THOUGHT would win! YOU got Bush elected you assholes! YOU are the ones who subverted the democratic system and turned into a goddamn horse race!
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:49 AM
HipHop Thugz
"In too many instances, hip-hop has become a celebration of ruthless self-interest, delivered by performers who don’t dare crack a smile for fear of losing status. That’s not where the music started, ..." - Sasha Frere-Jones, The New Yorker, 12/3/07
The above is an excerpt from an article that goes on to review a couple of books of photographs of HipHop from a more innocent time. This got me to thinking, why is HipHop like this? First of all not all of it is but enough of it is to lend credence to this stereotype of HipHop. Some might be tempted to take sides on the age old question; Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? But of course nothing in life is ever that simple. The reality often is that both are true even within the same body of art. We have all heard the saying that life is a circle?
It is true that HipHop started out as more of a type of party music but the machismo, braggadocio & tough guy attitudes has always been there to some extent. First off that is just the default nature of the male gender and is also often reinforced through external social forces, especially on young men and especially on young men in poor and working class neighborhoods. But why is it so prevalent in contemporary HipHop? My personal belief is that the major record labels saw that the concept of the angry black man from the ghetto was appealing to the middle-class white kids in the suburbs, so although it was not the record companies that created this attitude in Hiphop they are the ones that saw the dollar signs in it and therefore aggressively pushed it to the forefront of the genre...and in turn the youth fed into it and now we have this hyper-thuggish, although often is more verbal-hype than actual action, attitude from many of our HipHop youth. So here is an example of art imitating life imitating art.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:06 AM
Labels: HipHop
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Soul, Funk, Old School, HipHop, R&B, Old Soul, Neo Soul, P-Funk, G-Funk...
Sunday Groove, Sundays 7pm to midnight
featuring DJ Renie Ren & guests
spinning all types of Soul, Funk & Old School Classics
@ The Amazon Club, NW 2nd & Couch, Downtown, Portland
on the 2nd floor (right around the corner from Barracudas).
No Cover. 21+.
Flyer design & duplication thanks to check them out.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
1:07 PM
Sorry, Jesus...But Christmas Sucks.
Christmas time is perhaps the worst time of the year. Besides the fact that it's cold and wet it's also the time of year when poor people become more poor because we are expected to give and give. We not only have to give to friends and relatives but also to the landlord, the electric company, the phone company, the grocery store and to a whole host of others who want our money. Shit, now they even got us buying gifts for our co-workers with these semi-forced gift exchanges, secret Santas, white elephants and what ever else cute and clever names they can come up with. I feel bad because I don't have enough money to buy a decent present (not even at the $20 limit!) so I re-gift some bullshit gift I got from another bullshit gift exchange. And then what do I get in return? A bullshit gift! Now, I don't blame the other person, they're probably in the same boat I'm in...but wouldn't it have been much better to save our money and use it to buy perhaps a slightly better gift for someone we actually give a shit for?
Now, don't get me wrong! I'm all for fact I enjoy giving. But I prefer to give meaningfgul gifts to people that mean something to me and to the occasional stranger or random acquaintance in need. But I am poor. I don't make a lot of money and it is really a strain on me to have to buy EVERYONE gifts ALL at the SAME TIME. Man, it's spend all this money and you know they aren't going to even like the gift...I mean, people are hard to shop for aren't they? Especially when you are pressured to get them something by a certain date...I have found GREAT gifts for people when I wasn't even shopping for them or for any particular holiday. Anyways, enough on the gifting tangent...I think we all get it.
The crazy thing is that I am not even a Christian, neither are most of the people I "celebrate" it with YET somehow we all get sucked into it! Christmas is bigger than Christianity. It was here BEFORE Christianity and other than a few superficialities it has very little to do with Christ or anything about him. I said I am not a Christian but Jesus the Christ fits prominently into my belief system and I have a LOT of respect for him and in many ways I feel that Christmas is a disrespect to him and his teachings. That's another reason why Christmas sucks but I won't get into all the theological details here.
Another reason why Christmas sucks is the so-called "War on Christmas" and the war on the "War on Christmas". Give me a loud motherfucking break! Why can't Santa say "Ho! Ho! Ho!" again? Are you serious???? I should pimp slap you. What's so wrong with saying "Happy Holidays"???? Isn't Christmas a holiday??? And isn't it just ONE of the MANY holidays this time of year??? So what's the fucking problem, man??? The idiots on both sides of this "war" all need to be nailed to a cross upside down by their genitals.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
12:22 PM
Labels: christ, christianity, christmas, jesus, xmas
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful that I am not a turkey.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
12:00 AM
Labels: jive
Monday, November 19, 2007
Eye For An Eye...
Exodus 21:22 - Exodus 21:25
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Leviticus 24:17 - Leviticus 24:21
And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death. And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; beast for beast. And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him; Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again. And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.
Deuteronomy 19:16 - Deuteronomy 19:21
If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days; And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you. And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you. And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
Matthew 5:38 - Matthew 5:39
Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
These are passages from the books of the Bible but these are universal truths...We are within our rights to deliver equal justice to those that have wronged us. "An eye for an eye", This literally means that if one was to damage our eye that it is our right to damage thiers in return...but this is also meant to be taken figuratively, as in if one was to take our eye then we have the right to collect equal compensation for that eye in the form of either money, material possession or service. The latter is obviously a more "civilized" approach. But the MOST civilized approach of all, as stated in the last chapter, is to turn the other cheek...
A RIGHT man will take an eye for an eye...but a RIGHTEOUS man will turn the other, I am not a righteous man, I will reciprocate any unjust action taken against me. So do unto me as you would have me do unto you! If I am in the wrong then turn your other cheek and I will reply in kind and turn mine. I will do unto you as you have done unto me...If you have treated me with respect and compassion I will treat you the same.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
1:20 AM
Labels: christ, christianity, jesus, morality, new testament, old testament, religion
Friday, November 16, 2007
Top 10 (FREE!) Programs I Couldn't Live Without
In no particular order...
1. Mozilla Firefox web browser
This is an excellent browser that's real easy to navigate and not super cluttered with a lot of junk. The coolest thing is that you can add more features of your choosing by adding widgets. This browser is way better than Explorer (what isn't though?) and of course Netscape. (Does Netscape even exist anymore?) Although I'm sure that it's just my dumb luck it seems to be safer than Explorer when it comes to malware and similar infections. I browse a lot of sites that I probably shouldn't be and I have yet to have a significant problem with this with Explorer it seems like my browser was getting hijacked on a consistent basis.
2. Trillian IM client
This little program is great. It puts all of your instant messaging services all in one tidy place as if they were all actually the same, one, service. It handles most of the major IM services including AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, and ICQ...I'm not sure what others, if any, it handles but who needs anything more than AIM, MSN and Yahoo! anyway?
3. ePrompter email notification & retrieval program
This is awesome. It is like Trillian but for email and not as fancy looking. It allows you to have multiple email accounts in one, easy to use, program. I don't know if it does pop3 accounts as I don't use pop3 but I have a couple Hotmail and Yahoo! accounts that I use with this program.
4. Skype VoIP service
Now what can I say? If this was an ordered list this would definitely be #1! This is internet phone software that allows you to have free voice conversations with anybody in any country who also has this program. If they don't have the program you can still call their mobile or land-line for hella cheap (just a few cents domestic and only 2 or 3 dimes a min. internationally).
5. Joost internet TV
Joost turns your computer into a digital television service with a booty-load of content. Simply awesome, especially if you do not own an actual TV like myself.
6. Maddie keyboard pounder
Now this program was designed for the curious little ones who always seem to want to randomly pound away at your keyboard. What it does is open a screen that shows the letters as they pound to their heart's content without messing anything up on your computer....however it is also great for cleaning your keyboard.
7. Google Earth global satellite map
A lot like Google Maps but way cooler. You can even explore the galaxy with it. You can literally waste hours flying around the World and exploring different places.
8. Ad-Aware SE
This is a great free program for detecting and removing spyware, malware and adware from your computer. Not much more to say about it, it does what it's supposed to do.
9. Qlock World clock
A simple little desktop widget that allows you to simultaneously view times from any city around the World. I mainly use it in conjunction with my Skype so I know when is a good time to call my friends and family around the World.
10. Lime Wire file sharing service
I don't use this program nearly as much as I used to but it still comes in handy on occasion when I need to find a particular file. You can download music like crazy but don't get too carried away or you might attract the attention of record label attorneys looking to sue you for "stealing".
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:51 PM
2 Girls 1 Cup Song
This is a song made in reference to the now infamous "2 Girls 1 Cup" video. I posted an article about it here on this blog a few posts down. The original website has been taken down (due to some beef?) but if you're savvy enough I bet you can find it somewhere...I did a quick Google search and all I came up with was reactions and links to the original site...It's probably best that you do not see it anyways...that is unless you have already seen it in which case you would have ripped your eyeballs from their sockets so it wouldn't matter anyways.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
1:39 AM
Labels: 2 girls 1 cup
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I have to say that this album was surprisingly good. Not that I wasn't expecting it to be good, it's just that it's SURPRISINGLY good! For those of you that are still stuck in the first phase and don't know who Illmaculate is, a few years back he was making some noise around the local Portland battle scene. After winning his very first battle he went on to consistently crush MC's around the town in battle after battle. He eventually took his skills onto the national battle circuit winning Scribble Jam 2004 and last year, with his partner The Saurus, taking the ring in the World Rap Champion battles. Now that you're up to date, let's review his debut album...
The concept behind this album is that this is just a little something to hold us over until the real album drops (hence the title "Rain Check", which I also think might be a little homage to Puddle City) but with 20+ solid tracks I'd say that IS a real album.
There are a number of other dope MC's that make cameos on this album but by no means are they there to carry him. I feel that this album would have been just as dope with or without them. There is an understanding in the HipHop world that good freestylers and battle MC's don't generally make good albums and good artists who know how to write great lyrics and make good songs are mediocre at best when it comes to freestyling and battling...Illmaculate seems to be on a mission to crush that stereotype. And so far, at least in my opinion, he seems to be accomplishing that mission.
I could review this CD track by track but I suggest that you cop that ish yourself and form your own opinions...I'll even leave y'all a link where you can cop it...
(PS - Click the "random videos" at the top of this blog for some Illmac in action.)
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:34 AM
Labels: HipHop, illmaculate, portland, rap, the saurus
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Toys linked to date-rape drug recalled
Now I've heard it all! Better lock the toy box before the frat boys get to it. I betcha can't guess where these toys were made? I mean what's going on over there? Is this some kind of c - o - n - spiracy? Unsafe amounts of lead is one thing but toy roofies???
Click HERE for the article.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:22 PM
Dr. Orgasmo & His Orgone Energy Machine
Mad Scientist Willy Reich
What's orgone energy?
It's a universal life force hypothesized by Wilhelm Reich, supposed to emanate from all organic material that purportedly can be captured with a booth like device and used to restore psychological well-being. (Thanks
Pseudo science or legitimate research? Who knows until it's thoroughly studied...
HERE is an link to an article on Physician-scientist Wilhelm Reich and his crazy cosmic life orgasmic healing device.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:24 AM
Labels: orgone, psychology, science, sex, william reich
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Bless the mic with the gods...
This image is not from Portland
Rakim KILLED it in Portland last night to a packed house. The town represented and Rakim did his thing as only he could. Brother Ali and Ghostface Killah put on great performances as well. DJ Juggernaut was playing the cuts between acts and Starchile was holding it down with the hosting. The Bboys (Mighty Mooves, TipToe & Shilo to name a few) were out in force as well giving the crowd an extra dose of some real HipHop shit. Also in attendance but not performing was the World Rap Champion & 2004 Scribble Jam winner Illmaculate repping St. Johns. Also repping P-Town was King Cool Nutz (New album dropping 12/4!). Even Trail Blazer Greg Oden came out to show some love. Also in the house was the family of Ol' Dirty Bastard (R.I.P.) keepin' it raw as usual.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:11 AM
Labels: brother ali, cool nutz, dj juggernaut, eric b and rakim, ghostface killah, greg oden, HipHop, illmaculate, ol' dirty bastard, portland, starchile
Thursday, November 1, 2007
And Now for Something Completely Different
What are these people reacting to? Click HERE to find out. But I must warn you...any crumb of innocence you may have had left will be forever gone once watching this video. The usual restrictions, warnings and disclaimers all apply - Do not open around children, parents, at school, at work, at the library or anyplace that it may get you into trouble or where people may view you as a sicko perv. Click at your own have been forewarned.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
3:15 PM
Labels: disgusting, obscene, vile
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Message to My Christian Brothers & Sisters
Something I found along the way...
A Message to My Christian Brothers & Sisters
I am not anti-Christian I just feel sorry for the 85% of Christians who are too deaf, dumb & blind to do anything but to just sit, listen and believe what the other 10% of Christians tell them...wait, there's still 5% left you say? Well those are the one's who know and accept the truth of so-called "Christianity" and do not lie to the people yet they go unheard...your so-called "Jesus" is coming back to bring His people to the kingdom of Heaven but more than likely you're not going with Him...
The answers are right in front of you, they are not hidden, they are in plain sight within the Holy Scriptures yet you refuse to look...sure, you read the Bible every Sunday but you fail to let your pastor, deacon, preacher, priest or pope interpret the meaning for you. God's word is simple, you do NOT need an intermediary, if you are of average intelligence and read with an open mind the meaning will become crystal clear! The Bible is not a book - it is a collection of books. The Bible you hold in your hand today is incomplete. Certain truths and historical facts have been purposefully left out so that certain concepts will remain unclear or even unknown except by the few...the 10% and the 5% of which I spoke of earlier.
You can become of the 5% and hopefully someday the 5% will grow into the 100%. There will no longer be a separation of Christians, Muslims and Jews. Each of these faiths are the same...they all believe in the Messiah. I offer you no proof here for it is time for you to stand up and shake the shackles of your church leaders from your person. For you to grow in Spirit you must first know the Spirit on your own terms and not on the terms of those who wish to keep the Spirit within you subdued. The funny thing is that Truth is universal...sure we all have our own opinions and often times even the "facts" do not agree but as we seek and dig deeper we find that we all come closer to the same Truth...even those of us who begin on opposite sides of the spectrum. It's as if a person on one side of the World begins to dig into the Earth as another begins to dig on the opposite side...they will both eventually make it to the center or the "Truth". Now I know many of you reading this might be saying to yourselves that it is impossible to dig to the center of the Earth, well in essence, that's the point! At our current level of technology it is impossible as it is impossible for the majority of the population to reach the absolute Truth until they can remove these obstacles and defilements that clutter the mind which does not allow them to be truly "thinking" and fully sentient beings rather than robots who are programmed with only the information their masters wish them to have. You say you are no robot and you are fully capable to make up your own mind and form your own opinions??? This may be true, however, more than likely you are making up your own mind and forming your own opinions off of incomplete or altogether false information. It's not that the information is hidden or under lock and key it is for the most part easily accessible but like with most things in life you have to put forth at least a minimal amount of effort to retrieve it! Do you hear something or read something and automatically believe it or disbelieve it based on the author or the subject matter without first trying to gather more information from alternate sources or even sitting back and opening your mind and meditate on the answer before coming to your conclusions? Be honest with yourself now. This is what I mean by digging deeper.
Your religion is not wrong. Your so-called "Christ" is real. God is real. Salvation is is all real. It's just that the meanings of these things have been blurred by the need for money, power, lust and fame. Do not rely on your religious leaders to show you the Truth it is up to you to find the Truth for yourself. We were made in 'His' image so 'He' is within Us...the knowledge is already just need to dig deeper to find it.
In conclusion it is not my intent to sway you from your religious leaders as many of them are just like you...they have been misguided as well, and even though many of them are very knowledgeable on these matters, what they say must be taken with a grain of salt...these people are meant to be guides not authorities...only you are the authority of your own knowledge and understanding. At the end of the day it is what you believe that counts and not those of others no matter what kind of accreditation they may have.
May peace be with you all...
- signed, "A Son of Abraham".
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rakim, Ghostface Killah & Brother Ali
"It ain't where you're from it's where you're at."
...and I'ma be at the Roseland on the 3rd. What about you?
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
7:57 AM
Labels: concerts, eric b and rakim, HipHop, oregon, portland, rhymesayers entertainment, wu-tang clan
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Blog of the Moment
"From zillions of websites available on the net, this blog lists some of the interesting websites for you."
Interesting Website Collection (
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:42 AM
Labels: blogs, cool websites, design, tech, web development
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Racist Explains Hip Hop Culture
Funniest thing I've seen in a long time...other than that, I have no comment. Just watch the video.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:36 AM
Labels: fox news, goth, HipHop, john gibson, marilyn manson, racism, young turks
Friday, October 19, 2007
First of all I could care less about another corny "battle" between two corny rappers. But what the hell is wrong with KRS???? Jay-Z the greatest lyricist of all time? Better than Rakim? Better than Big Daddy Kane? Shit, better than himself??? And what is he saying about LL not being a battle rapper? Well if we're talking about freestyle battling then yeah but neither is Jay. What about his "battle" with Canibus? I don't know man, KRS is still my man but sometimes I wonder about him...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Show me your pom-poms!
NOTE: I originally posted this blog with a different video that has since been removed from Youtube. The original video was the complete unedited raw footage of the video in question. Even though this news clip only shows a portion of the video it still basically gives an overall representation of what is shown in the original.
The teacher in this video was placed on leave for doing this cheer in class. Fox News calls it "racy". After hearing about this I went to YouTube to check it out for myself. I was expecting lots of hip gyration, toe touching and booty shaking. None! I was really disappointed. Not so much for the sheer lack of sexually visual stimulation which left me less than gratified but more so for the parents of her students and the school administration's attitude towards her for this EXTREMELY tame exhibition.
It perplexes me how this is somehow sexually provocative yet all the underage high school cheerleaders all across America in their tight sweaters and short skirts where you can see their knickers every time they do a high kick in front of families with young children, horny teenagers and aging perverts at school sporting events is somehow fine.
The only inappropriate thing that perhaps this teacher did was waste class time, but I'm sure there are other teachers in the school who waste class time as well.
As one poster on YouTube pointed out, there is an American flag in the background. Apparently it's only there for its decorative value.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
8:37 AM
Labels: cheerleader, school, sex, teacher
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Today also marks Rosh Hashanah
& the upcoming Yom Kippur
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
9:49 AM
Labels: Judaism, religion, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
RE: Is Islam a religion of peace?
Ever since 9/11 this question has been asked over & over again. Asked rhetorically and sarcastically by the Right and others who believe Islam is a religion absolutely founded in violence. Asked by the Left and other Liberals as a set-up to espouse their "Why can't we all get along?" inter-faith, cross-cultural ideology. And many Muslims answer, in blind defense of their religion, that Islam is indeed absolutely a religion of peace.
The honest truth is that Islam is a religion of peace and violence...just like Christianity and Judaism and just about any other religion in the World. Yet why is Islam singled out for such scrutiny? I understand that recent events, including 9/11, has put Islam in the spotlight so it is understandable that it would be scrutinized. My question, though, is why the hypocrisy and the double-standards when speaking on Islam? Why are all the atrocities commited in the name of Christianity not allowed in the discussion as if they have no bearing on what true Christianity is? Yet when it comes to Islam any and every heinous act commited by a Muslim is to be taken as indicative of what true Islam is all about?
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
3:18 PM
Labels: christianity, islam, terrorism
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Insane in the membrane
Tonight at work, a lady, either inoxicated, high, mentally ill or a combination thereof, was walking through our dark parking lot alternately pointing out shopping carts for me and calmly telling me that they murdered her daughter. She did this a few times and then stated that she'll "get over it" and then walked away.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:48 PM
Yet Another Post...
Apparently the blog title "Yet Another Blog" is not entirely original. Although it was an entirely original idea in my less than creative mind...and apparently less than creative minds think entirely alike.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
11:06 AM
first blog post
i have nothing to exciting.
Posted by
Just Another Blogger
10:45 AM