Friday, March 21, 2008

Random Thoughts on Obama, Wright & Race

Sorry for the non-linear manner of this the title states these are random thoughts...

First of all people have to realize there is a difference between racial and racist. When someone is being racial they notice color but the racist not only notices color but makes judgments based on it. Mr. Wright is a racialist, most Americans are, but is he a racist? Perhaps but not because of anything in the speeches being looped around the clock. Neither does his physical actions indicate so.

Anything that blacks do for social advancement that does not fit the conservatives ideal of how we should do it is considered racist.

I do not consider Obama a sell out for distancing himself from Mr. Wright's controversial statements. I understand the position that the ever sensitive white America has put him in.

I have resisted for a long time from calling conservatives racist but when they constantly throw our shortcomings as black folks in our face and then turn around and get "huffy" when we point out the flaws of their community.

Like I said...random.

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