Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ah ha! Wright was a MUSLIM! I should've known! a REAL christian wouldn't say those things!

Now they are telling us that pastor Reverend Wright is an ex-Muslim. Okay, if that is true, this is an issue, why? So far the pundit dribble that I am hearing on the airwaves are saying this as if him being a former Muslim somehow makes him a Muslim today. And that this goes to show why he is the racist that he is. As if Islam has ever had an issue with racism...I mean, so far, it seems we have had problems with Muslim terrorists from all racial backgrounds...even WHITE AMERICAN Muslims. Now if they really wanted to make the race connection they should have noted that he supposedly WAS A NATION OF ISLAM type of Muslim which definitely supports racist ideology. But, no, to these bigots ALL Muslims are the same! Even if they are not even real Muslims (not only have Muslims around the World deny the NOI as real Muslims they themselves teach that they are not real Muslims*)

* The NOI has always taught that they are not a religion but a "science" and that "orthodox Islam" is misguided. The main tenets of NOI and orthodox Islam are at odds with each other. Even such opposing groups as the Sunnis and the Shias still share the basic tenets of orthodox Islam which the NOI does not. There was a branch of NOI that broke off and has converted to orthodox Islam but Farrakahn's group, although trying to appear often lately as real Muslims when convenient for them, only use the rhetoric of Islam but ascribe alternate meanings to the terms.

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